Elevate Your Business, Enrich Your Legacy

  • By: William Scott Lawler, Esq.
  • Published: October 13, 2023
A group of business professionals sitting around a table, engaged in work on their laptops - The Lawler Group


As a seasoned Estate Planning attorney specializing in Business Law and Business Succession Planning, I understand the unique challenges faced by small business owners. In this blog post, we’ll address key considerations to ensure a seamless transition for your business in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

1. Why Estate Planning is Crucial for Small Business Owners

Without a well-structured estate plan, state laws may dictate the fate of your business. Typically, states divide assets equally between children and spouses, but this may not align with your wishes. Establishing a Last Will and Testament or Trust tailored to your business is essential. Additionally, consider who will manage your business after your passing. It may not always be your spouse; a key employee or Trusted executive might be a more suitable choice.

2. Choosing Executors and Trustees: A Strategic Approach

Having your spouse as executor or Trustee doesn’t automatically mean they should manage the business operations. Consider appointing separate Trustees for financial assets and the business. This decision hinges on your family dynamics and your spouse’s involvement in the business.

3. Business Type Matters: Tax Implications and Trust Considerations

The nature of your business can impact your Estate Plan, particularly if the business is held in a Trust. Special tax rules may apply, depending on the Trust’s structure and your spouse’s role. For instance, if your spouse should receive income from the business but isn’t suited to manage it, tax considerations come into play.

4. Selling the Business: Exploring Options

If your spouse isn’t equipped to continue the business, selling it is a viable option. Co-owners may also opt to buy out shares. The right choice depends on factors like customer base and the business’s potential for continuity subsequent to the owner’s passing.

5. Equity and Fairness: Balancing Inheritance for Heirs

When distributing assets, especially if one child inherits the business while others receive different assets, strive for fairness. This can be a delicate process, and ensuring your state’s laws align with your intentions is critical.


Planning for the future of your small business is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various legal and financial aspects. By proactively addressing these key considerations, you can safeguard your business’s legacy and ensure a smooth transition in any unforeseen circumstances. If you have further questions or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to guide you through this crucial process.

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